Research Article
Open Access
From Bakke to Fisher: African American Students in U.S. Higher Education over Forty Years
Walter R. Allen, Channel McLewis, Chantal Jones, Daniel Harris
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences September 2018, 4 (6) 41-72; DOI:
Walter R. Allen
aAllan Murray Cartter Professor of Higher Education and distinguished professor of education, sociology, and African American studies at the University of California, Los Angeles
Channel McLewis
bDoctoral candidate in higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles
Chantal Jones
bDoctoral candidate in higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles
Daniel Harris
bDoctoral candidate in higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles
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In this issue
From Bakke to Fisher: African American Students in U.S. Higher Education over Forty Years
Walter R. Allen, Channel McLewis, Chantal Jones, Daniel Harris
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Sep 2018, 4 (6) 41-72; DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2018.4.6.03