RSF Manuscript Submission Checklist for Books and Articles
Manuscripts need to be prepared differently for the peer review and copyediting stages. Please submit this checklist when you send in material for each stage. Please always name your files with the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date.
Stage 1: Initial Submission and Peer Review
Please check the box next to each completed item:
- Single PDF including any tables, figures, and appendixes. Call outs appear in the text for placement of tables and figures. The file name includes the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date.
- Single Microsoft Word file, including any tables, figures, and appendixes. Call outs appear in the text for placement of tables and figures. The file name includes the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date.
- I acknowledge that I have reviewed the copyediting checklist below, especially the citation style requirements.
Stage 2: Copyediting
Please check the box next to each completed item:
- MS Word text file (no tables or figures embedded in the file). The file name includes the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date. Equations are editable, not embedded images. Book manuscripts must contain a table of contents. For journal articles, the file should contain author names and affiliations, any acknowledgments, correspondence information, an abstract, and keywords. See the journal submission guidelines for proper format and length of these items.
- MS Word table and figure file separate from the text. The file name includes the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date. The tables and the figure titles and notes are editable, not embedded images.
- PDF online appendix file (if you have one) separate from the text. The file name includes the author’s name (lead author’s name for journal articles) and the date. This file will not be copyedited. It will be uploaded as a PDF to the RSF website.
- Citations in Chicago author-date style with a corresponding reference list entry, following the examples on the RSF house style sheet as best you can. Please do not provide only an author name and year or only a URL; provide complete publication details. Per the house style sheet, full names, not initials, should be provided for all authors in reference list entries. The copyeditor will adjust citations as needed, but citations in other styles (APA, Chicago endnote/bibliography format, etc.) will not be accepted.
- In-text mentions of all tables and figures (see figure 1) with a placement instruction for the typesetter below the paragraph in which the table or figure is mentioned {figure 1 here}
- Source line below each figure and table and, where applicable, in author-date style with a corresponding entry in the reference list. If the source is the author’s own research, then “Author’s tabulation,” “Author’s calculations” “Author’s diagram,” etc. is fine, but a source must be provided.
Note: Editable art files for the typesetter will need to be submitted on or before the date your comments on the copyedited manuscript are due to RSF. You will receive the production schedule soon after submission of the final, approved manuscript. A list of acceptable art file formats for the typesetter will be sent to you with the schedule.