Research Article
Open Access
Accountability, Inequality, and Achievement: The Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Multiple Measures of Student Learning
Jennifer L. Jennings, Douglas Lee Lauen
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences September 2016, 2 (5) 220-241; DOI:
Jennifer L. Jennings
aAssociate professor of sociology at New York University
Douglas Lee Lauen
bAssociate professor of public policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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In this issue
Accountability, Inequality, and Achievement: The Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Multiple Measures of Student Learning
Jennifer L. Jennings, Douglas Lee Lauen
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Sep 2016, 2 (5) 220-241; DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2016.2.5.11