Research Article
Open Access
Incomparable Punishments: How Economic Inequality Contributes to the Disparate Impact of Legal Fines and Fees
Lindsay Bing, Becky Pettit, Ilya Slavinski
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences January 2022, 8 (2) 118-136; DOI:
Lindsay Bing
aDoctoral student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, United States
Becky Pettit
bBarbara Pierce Bush Regents Professor of Liberal Arts in Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, United States, where she is also a faculty affiliate of the Population Research Center
Ilya Slavinski
cClinical assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Buffalo, United States

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- Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and
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- Michele Cadigan,
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- Gould, Elise
- ↵
- Hardy, Bradley L., and
- Trevon D. Logan
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- ↵
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- ↵
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- ↵
- Krivo, Lauren J., and
- Robert L. Kaufman
- ↵
- Martin, Karin D.
- ↵
- Martin, Karin D.,
- Bryan L. Sykes,
- Sarah K.S. Shannon,
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- Menendez, Matthew,
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- ↵
- Pager, Devah, and
- Hana Shepherd
- ↵
- Pattillo, Mary, and
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- ↵
- Pedulla, David S., and
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- ↵
- Pettit, Becky, and
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- ↵
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- Quillian, Lincoln,
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- Ole Hexel, and
- Arnfinn H. Midtbøen
- ↵
- Ray, Victor
- ↵
- ↵
- Ross, Stephen L., and
- Margery Austin Turner
- ↵
- Rugh, Jacob S., and
- Douglas S. Massey
- ↵
- Sanchez, Amairini,
- Michele Cadigan,
- Dayo Abels-Sullivan, and
- Bryan L. Sykes
- ↵
- Sewell, Abigail A.
- ↵
- Slavinski, Ilya, and
- Becky Pettit
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- Soss, Joseph,
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- Sykes, Bryan L.,
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- ↵
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In this issue
Incomparable Punishments: How Economic Inequality Contributes to the Disparate Impact of Legal Fines and Fees
Lindsay Bing, Becky Pettit, Ilya Slavinski
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Jan 2022, 8 (2) 118-136; DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2022.8.2.06
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