Research ArticleIV. The Prison as Poverty Institution
Open Access
Mass Incarceration, Parental Imprisonment, and the Great Recession: Intergenerational Sources of Severe Deprivation in America
John Hagan, Holly Foster
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences November 2015, 1 (2) 80-107; DOI:
John Hagan
aJohn D. MacArthur Professor of Sociology and Law at Northwestern University and the American Bar Foundation.
Holly Foster
bAssociate professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Texas A&M University
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In this issue
Mass Incarceration, Parental Imprisonment, and the Great Recession: Intergenerational Sources of Severe Deprivation in America
John Hagan, Holly Foster
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Nov 2015, 1 (2) 80-107; DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2015.1.2.05
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