Publication Date



The first statewide Child Development Account (CDA) in the United States announced a major change in strategy to automatically enroll all newborns. Evidence from CDA research has contributed to the decision by the College Challenge to remove its original opt-in requirement—in which parents must enroll their newborns in the state’s 529 college savings plan to receive a $500 grant—in favor of universal enrollment—in which every child is enrolled automatically at birth with a $500 grant.

Document Type

Policy Report


Financial Inclusion


Asset Building

Original Citation

Clancy, M., & Sherraden, M. (2014). Automatic deposits for all at birth: Maine’s Harold Alfond College Challenge (CSD Policy Report No. 14-05). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.


College Success


529, college savings, academic achievement, academic expectation, asset accumulation, asset effects, asset holding, asset ownership, assets, CDA, child development account, child savings, college savings plan, education, educational expectations, educational outcomes, federal policy, state policy, policy, savings, United States, SEED OK
