RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Separate and Unequal Under One Roof: How the Legacy of Racialized Tracking Perpetuates Within-School Segregation JF RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences FD Russell Sage Foundation SP 187 OP 202 DO 10.7758/RSF.2021.7.1.11 VO 7 IS 1 A1 Francis, Dania V. A1 Darity, William A. YR 2021 UL http://www.rsfjournal.org/content/7/1/187.abstract AB In this article, we use administrative data from three cohorts of North Carolina public high school students to examine the effects of within-school segregation on the propensity of academically eligible black high school students to take advanced math courses. Our identification strategy takes advantage of cohort-to-cohort variation in the share of eleventh and twelfth grade black students enrolled in advanced math courses when a cohort first enters a school in the ninth grade. We find that a 1 point increase in the percentage of black eleventh and twelfth graders in advanced math courses increases the likelihood that an academically eligible black student will take an advanced math course before they graduate by 22 percentage points in racially diverse schools. Effects are larger for black males.