Research Article
Open Access
Exclusion and Extraction: Criminal Justice Contact and the Reallocation of Labor
Sandra Susan Smith, Jonathan Simon
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences March 2020, 6 (1) 1-27; DOI:
Sandra Susan Smith
aProfessor and chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley
Jonathan Simon
bAssociate dean of the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program at the Berkeley School of Law at the University of California

- ↵
- Agan, Amanda Y., and
- Sonja B. Starr
- ↵
- Allegretto, Sylvia,
- Anna Godoey,
- Carl Nadler, and
- Michael Reich
- ↵
- ↵
- ↵
- Atkinson, Daryl V., and
- Kathleen Lockwood
- ↵
- Bartfeld, Judi
- ↵
- Beckett, Katherine, and
- Naomi Murakawa
- ↵
- Bellair, Paul, and
- Brian R. Kowalski
- ↵
- Berracasa, Colenn,
- Alexis Estevez,
- Charlotte Nugent,
- Kelly Roesing, and
- Jerry Wei
- ↵
- Betcherman, Gordon
- ↵
- Blair, Peter Q., and
- Bobby W. Chung
- ↵
- Blumstein, Alfred, and
- Kiminori Nakamura
- ↵
- Bobo, Lawrence D., and
- Devon Johnson
- ↵
- Bobo, Lawrence D., and
- Victor Thompson
- ↵
- Bonczar, Thomas P
- ↵
- Boshier, Roger, and
- Derek Johnson
- ↵
- Brady, David
- ↵
- Brayne, Sarah
- ↵
- Bureau of Justice Assistance
- ↵
- Bushway, Shawn D
- ↵
- ↵
- Bushway, Shawn,
- Paul Nieuwbeerta, and
- Arjan Blokland
- ↵
- ↵
- Cancian, Maria,
- Carolyn Heinrich, and
- Yiyoon Chung
- ↵
- ↵
- Cigagna, Claudia, and
- Giovanni Sulis
- ↵
- Conklin, John
- ↵
- Craigie, Terry-Ann
- ↵
- Cullen, Francis T.,
- Sandra Skovron,
- Joseph Scott, and
- Velmer Burton Jr.
- ↵
- ↵
- Dale, Mitchell W
- ↵
- Derenoncourt, Ellora, and
- Claire Montialoux
- ↵
- ↵
- ↵
- Doleac, Jennifer, and
- Benjamin Hansen
- ↵
- Duane, Marina,
- Emily Reimal, and
- Mathew Lynch
- ↵
- Dwyer Emory, Allison,
- Lenna Nepomnyaschy,
- Maureen R. Waller,
- Daniel P. Miller, and
- Alexandra Haralampoudis
- ↵
- Erlich, Reese
- ↵
- Evans, Douglas N
- ↵
- Fahey, Jennifer,
- Cheryl Roberts, and
- Len Engel
- ↵
- Feeley, Malcolm, and
- Edward Rubin
- ↵
- Finlay, Keith
- ↵
- Flanagan, Timothy J., and
- Susan L. Caufield
- ↵
- Foucault, Michel
- ↵
- Freeman, Richard B
- ↵
- Freeman, Richard B
- ↵
- Freeman, Richard B
- ↵
- Freeman, Richard B
- ↵
- Freeman, Richard B.,
- Eunice Han,
- David Madland, and
- Brendan V. Duke
- ↵
- Gangl, Markus
- ↵
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- Gangl, Markus
- ↵
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- ↵
- ↵
- Glynn, Timothy P
- ↵
- Goffman, Alice
- ↵
- Goldberg, Ben
- ↵
- ↵
- Grogger, Jeff
- ↵
- Harcourt, Bernard E
- ↵
- Harding, David J
- ↵
- ↵
- Hatton, Erin
- ↵
- Holmlund, Bertil
- ↵
- Holzer, Harry J
- ↵
- Holzer, Harry J.,
- Steven Raphael, and
- Michael A. Stoll
- ↵
- Holzer, Harry J.,
- Steven Raphael, and
- Michael A. Stoll
- ↵
- Ispa-Landa, Simone, and
- Charles E. Loeffler
- ↵
- Jaumotte, Florence, and
- Carolina Osorio Buitron
- ↵
- Kaeble, Danielle, and
- Mary Cowhig
- ↵
- Kalleberg, Arne L.,
- Barbara F. Reskin, and
- Ken Hudson
- ↵
- Kanfer, Ruth,
- Connie R. Wanberg, and
- Tracy M. Kantrowitz
- ↵
- Kleiner, Morris M
- ↵
- Kleiner, Morris M.,
- Amy Humphris, and
- Maria Koumenta
- ↵
- ↵
- Kling, Jeffrey R
- ↵
- Kohler-Hausmann, Issa
- ↵
- Kutchinsky, Berl
- ↵
- ↵
- Levin, Benjamin
- ↵
- Lichtenstein, Alexander
- May, Bruce E
- ↵
- McCall, John J
- ↵
- McCorkle, Richard C
- ↵
- McLennan, Rebecca
- ↵
- Melossi, Dario, and
- Massimo Pavarini
- ↵
- Meyer, Daniel,
- Yoonsook Ha, and
- Mei-Chen Hu
- ↵
- Mills, Linda
- ↵
- Nagin, Daniel, and
- Joel Waldfogel
- ↵
- Olivares, Kathleen M.,
- Velmer S. Burton Jr.., and
- Francis Cullen
- ↵
- Oshinsky, David
- ↵
- ↵
- Pager, Devah
- ↵
- Pager, Devah, and
- Lincoln Quillian
- ↵
- Pager, Devah,
- Bruce Western, and
- Bart Bonikowski
- ↵
- Pager, Devah,
- Bruce Western, and
- Naomi Sugie
- ↵
- Pate, David J., Jr.
- ↵
- Pelaez, Vicki
- ↵
- Petersilia, Joan
- ↵
- Pettit, Becky, and
- Christopher J. Lyons
- ↵
- Prescott, J. J., and
- Sonja B. Starr
- ↵
- Rainville, Gerard, and
- Brian Reeves
- ↵
- Reed, John P., and
- Robin S. Reed
- ↵
- Roberts, Jenny
- ↵
- ↵
- Roberts, Julian V
- ↵
- Rodriguez, Michelle Nativadad, and
- Beth Avery
- ↵
- Rusche, Georg, and
- Otto Kirschheimer
- ↵
- Sabol, William J
- ↵
- Saladin, Michael,
- Zalman Saper, and
- Lawrence Breen
- ↵
- Sampson, Robert
- ↵
- Sandberg, Erica
- ↵
- Sandys, Marla, and
- Edmund F. McGarrell
- ↵
- Sawyer, Wendy
- ↵
- Sawyer, Wendy, and
- Peter Wagner
- ↵
- Schwartz, Richard D., and
- Jerome H. Skolnick
- ↵
- SEARCH Group
- ↵
- ↵
- Sharone, Ofer
- ↵
- Shoag, Daniel, and
- Stan Veuger
- ↵
- ↵
- Siegel, Larry, and
- Joseph Senna
- ↵
- ↵
- Simon, Jonathan
- ↵
- Simon, Jonathan
- ↵
- Smith, Sandra Susan
- ↵
- ↵
- Sugie, Naomi F
- ↵
- Sullivan, Mercer L
- ↵
- ↵
- Thoennes, Nancy
- ↵
- Thornberry, Terence P., and
- R. L. Christenson
- ↵
- Travis, Jeremy
- ↵
- Travis, Jeremy, and
- Joan Petersilia
- ↵
- Travis, Jeremy,
- Bruce Western, and
- F. Stevens Redburn
- ↵
- Uggen, Christopher,
- Jeff Manza, and
- Melissa Thompson
- ↵
- Useem, Bert, and
- Anne Morrison Piehl
- ↵
- Visher, Christy A., and
- Vera Kachnowski
- ↵
- Visher, Christy A., and
- Daniel J. O’Connell
- ↵
- Vuolo, Mike,
- Sarah Lageson, and
- Christopher Uggen
- ↵
- Wacquant, Loic
- ↵
- Wagner, Peter
- ↵
- Waldfogel, Joel
- ↵
- ↵
- Warner, Cody,
- Joshua Kaiser, and
- Jason N. Houle
- ↵
- Western, Bruce
- ↵
- Western, Bruce
- ↵
- Western, Bruce, and
- Katherine Beckett
- ↵
- Western, Bruce,
- Jeffrey Kling, and
- David Weiman
- ↵
- ↵
- Western, Bruce, and
- Jake Rosenfeld
- ↵
- ↵
- Zatz, Noah D.,
- Tia Koonse,
- Theresa Zhen,
- Lucero Herrera,
- Han Lu,
- Steven Shafer, and
- Blake Valenta
- ↵
In this issue
Exclusion and Extraction: Criminal Justice Contact and the Reallocation of Labor
Sandra Susan Smith, Jonathan Simon
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences Mar 2020, 6 (1) 1-27; DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2020.6.1.01
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